The Paul Ricard Circuit was home to the 60th Formula 1 French Grand Prix, 21-23 June 2019. For the second year, as part of a five year contract agreed in 2018, GL events supported the event with audience seating infrastructure including a total of 40,000 semi-permanent grandstands seats installed at strategic points around the circuit, a 350m long grandstand - the longest platform installed to date by GL events in France.
This partnership was the result of more than a year of feasibility studies involving GL events’expertise in various fields, including engineering and geotechnics. The installation involved nearly 170 semi-trailers of equipment and took just two and a half months for a team of 200 workers to complete.
The GL events grandstands at the Paul Ricard circuit – ©Éric Zaragoza
This partnership was the result of more than a year of feasibility studies involving GL events’ expertise in various fields, including engineering and geotechnics. The installation involved nearly 170 semi-trailers of equipment and took just two and a half months for a team of 200 workers to complete.
In addition to these semi-permanent grandstands, temporary seating for 12,000 guests is installed and dismounted on the pit lane each year, along with VIP lodges spanning more than 120 m (along the Circuit’s start and finish lines).
The GL events grandstands at the Paul Ricard circuit – ©Éric Zaragoza
GL events’ tailor made, modular construction is entirely flexible, offering the possibility to reconfigure, remove and reinstall event overlay in accordance with the needs of sporting event organiers. GL events’ experts manage your project as a whole, designing flexible solutions that a llow events teams to dedicate their energies to producing outstanding events.